What they do - Where you can find them
Folic Acid
Water soluble, another member of the B-Complex.
What It Can Do For You:
Needed for effective absorption of nutrients.
Prevention of anaemia
Promote healthier looking skin.
Act as an analgesic for pain.
Increase appetite, if you are run down.
May also reduce the risk of heart disease.
Where You Can Find It: Liver, egg yolk, deep-green leafy vegetables, carrots, melon, apricots, pumpkins, avocados, beans and lentils, wholewheat, wheatgerm and brown rice.
Essential and required for life, necessary for the production of haemoglobin (red blood corpuscles), myoglobin (red pigment in muscles) and certain enzymes.
Iron and calcium are the two major dietry deficiencies of women.
What It Can Do For You:
Production of healthy red blood cells and prevention of anaemia.
Aid growth.
Promote resistancee to disease.
Prevent fatigue.
Cure and prevent iron-deficiency anaemia.
Bring back good skin tone.
Where You Can Find It: Red meat (especially liver), beef kidney, heart and liver, raw clams, dried fruit (especially dried apricots and peaches), egg yolks, oysters, nuts, beans and lentils, green vegetables, asparagus, molasses, oatmeal.
There is more calcium in the body than any other mineral. Calcium and phosphorus work together for healthy bones and teeth. Calcium and magnesium work together for cardiovascular health. Almost all of the body's calcium (two to three pounds) is found in the bones and teeth.
Twenty percent of an adult's bone calcium is reabsorbed and replaced every year (new bone cells form as old ones break down.) Calcium and iron are the two minerals most deficient in a woman's diet.
What It Can Do For You:
Maintain strong and healthy bones and teeth.
Prevention of osteoporosis.
Keep your heart beating regularly.
Alleviate insomnia.
Help metabolise your body's iron.
Aid your nervous system, especially in impulse transmission.
Where You Can Find It: Milk and all milk products, all cheeses, soyabeans, tinned fish where the bones are eaten (e.g. salmon and sardines) peanuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds, dried beans,tofu, kale and other green leafy vegetables.
Zinc acts as a traffic policeman, directing and overseeing the efficient flow of body processes, the maintenance of enzyme system and cells.
Essential for protein synthesis. Governs the contractibility of muscles. Helps in the formation of insulin.
What It Can Do For You
Supports the immune system.
Promotes healthy skin.
Accelerate healing time for internal and external wounds.
Get rid of white spots on the fingernails.
Help eliminate loss of taste.
Aid in the treatment of infertility.
Help avoid prostrate problems.
Promote growth and mental alertness.
Help decrease cholesteral deposits.
Where You Can Find It:
Oysters, fish, chicken, eggs, nonfat dry milk, all dairy products, beef steak, lamb chops, pork loin, wheat germ, brewer's yeast, ground mustard, green leafy vegetables, beans, lentils, and pumpkin seeds.